
1.xlsx 文件处理




import openpyxl

import copy

# 复制excel 保留格式

# file_path : 原文件地址

# out_file_path : 输出文件地址

# ids : 条件

def copy_xlsx(file_path,out_file_path,ids):

# 打开原表

workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path, data_only=True)

# 获取第一个sheet表

sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)

# 创建一个新的 Excel 文件

new_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()

new_sheet = new_workbook.active # 选择新工作表

# 复制数据和样式

i = 1 # openpyxl 行号从1开始

for row in sheet.iter_rows():

# todo 这里条件按需添加,可以去掉

if i ==1 or row[0].value in ids:

# 复制行

for source_cell in row:

target_cell = new_sheet.cell(row=i, column=source_cell.column,value = source_cell.value)

# 复制样式

if source_cell.has_style:

# 设置样式 得用 copy.copy() 不然会报错

target_cell._style = copy.copy(source_cell._style)

target_cell.font = copy.copy(source_cell.font)

target_cell.border = copy.copy(source_cell.border)

target_cell.fill = copy.copy(source_cell.fill)

target_cell.number_format = copy.copy(source_cell.number_format)

target_cell.protection = copy.copy(source_cell.protection)

target_cell.alignment = copy.copy(source_cell.alignment)

i += 1

# 保存新的 Excel 文件


2. xls 文件处理


首先得引入xlrd 只能进行读取,xlwt负责写入,xlutils相当中间人,可以简化很多操作

import xlrd

import xlwt

from xlutils.filter import process, XLRDReader, XLWTWriter

1.xlrd 获取workbook_rb, formatting_info=True 这个一定要加才能获取到格式,formatting_info模式是false是不获取格式.

2.通过 xlutils 获取到所有单元格格式

3.通过 xlwt 的 worksheet.write(i, col_num, cell.value,style) 写入value 及 style

import xlrd

import xlwt

from xlutils.filter import process, XLRDReader, XLWTWriter

# 创建 xls

def create_xls(savePath:str,ids):

# 创建一个新的 Excel 文件(写入模式)

workbook_rb = xlrd.open_workbook(path.get(),formatting_info=True) # 打开工作簿

# 这里是关键,获取所有样式列表

w = XLWTWriter()

process(XLRDReader(workbook_rb, 'unknown.xls'), w)

style_list = w.style_list

sheet = sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)

new_workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

new_worksheet = new_workbook.add_sheet('sheet1') # 添加一个新工作表,替换为你的工作表名称

# xlrd 的 index 从0开始


for row_num, row in enumerate(sheet.get_rows(), start=0):

if i ==0 or row[0].value in ids:

for col_num, cell in enumerate(row, start=0):

# 复制格式

style = style_list[cell.xf_index]


new_worksheet.write(i, col_num, cell.value,style)



return savePath


w = XLWTWriter()

process(XLRDReader(workbook_rb, 'unknown.xls'), w)

style_list = w.style_list

这段代码我就想获取到style_list 但的东西有点多,这里其实是复制了一个新的workbook对象.新对象里面有原始workbook的所有信息.

可以看到它包含的 原始 xlrd.book信息 ,xlwt.worksheet 信息(他已经将xlrd.book原始信息进行复制),style_list信息.



通过过w.style_list进入源码查看,我们发现在xlutils.filter.BaseWriter.workbook 进行了定义. 接着我们找下style_list是如何进行赋值的,查询下发现如下代码self.style_list.append(wtxf),这个就是赋值代码. 让我们看下它是如何实现的,核心代码就是下面这个,大致流程就是

1.创建一个 xlwt.Style.XFStyle() 对象 wtxf

2.从rdbook中获取到格式信息 rdbook.xf_list

3.对 wtxf 进行各种赋值

if not rdbook.formatting_info:


for rdxf in rdbook.xf_list:

wtxf = xlwt.Style.XFStyle()


# number format


wtxf.num_format_str = rdbook.format_map[rdxf.format_key].format_str


# font


wtf = wtxf.font

rdf = rdbook.font_list[rdxf.font_index]

wtf.height = rdf.height

wtf.italic = rdf.italic

wtf.struck_out = rdf.struck_out

wtf.outline = rdf.outline

wtf.shadow = rdf.outline

wtf.colour_index = rdf.colour_index

wtf.bold = rdf.bold #### This attribute is redundant, should be driven by weight

wtf._weight = rdf.weight #### Why "private"?

wtf.escapement = rdf.escapement

wtf.underline = rdf.underline_type ####

# wtf.???? = rdf.underline #### redundant attribute, set on the fly when writing

wtf.family = rdf.family

wtf.charset = rdf.character_set

wtf.name = rdf.name


# protection


wtp = wtxf.protection

rdp = rdxf.protection

wtp.cell_locked = rdp.cell_locked

wtp.formula_hidden = rdp.formula_hidden


# border(s) (rename ????)


wtb = wtxf.borders

rdb = rdxf.border

wtb.left = rdb.left_line_style

wtb.right = rdb.right_line_style

wtb.top = rdb.top_line_style

wtb.bottom = rdb.bottom_line_style

wtb.diag = rdb.diag_line_style

wtb.left_colour = rdb.left_colour_index

wtb.right_colour = rdb.right_colour_index

wtb.top_colour = rdb.top_colour_index

wtb.bottom_colour = rdb.bottom_colour_index

wtb.diag_colour = rdb.diag_colour_index

wtb.need_diag1 = rdb.diag_down

wtb.need_diag2 = rdb.diag_up


# background / pattern (rename???)


wtpat = wtxf.pattern

rdbg = rdxf.background

wtpat.pattern = rdbg.fill_pattern

wtpat.pattern_fore_colour = rdbg.pattern_colour_index

wtpat.pattern_back_colour = rdbg.background_colour_index


# alignment


wta = wtxf.alignment

rda = rdxf.alignment

wta.horz = rda.hor_align

wta.vert = rda.vert_align

wta.dire = rda.text_direction

# wta.orie # orientation doesn't occur in BIFF8! Superceded by rotation ("rota").

wta.rota = rda.rotation

wta.wrap = rda.text_wrapped

wta.shri = rda.shrink_to_fit

wta.inde = rda.indent_level

# wta.merg = ????



拿到这个代码后就简单了,我们就是照着封装一下,就是使用了.这样我们只要能够获取到rdbook (也就是xlrd获取到的book),就是获取到style_list了.无需获取到其他我们不关注的信息.


import xlrd

import xlwt

# 获取到表的所有单元格格式

def get_style_list(rdbook:xlrd.Book):


if not rdbook.formatting_info:


for rdxf in rdbook.xf_list:

wtxf = xlwt.Style.XFStyle()


# number format


wtxf.num_format_str = rdbook.format_map[rdxf.format_key].format_str


# font


wtf = wtxf.font

rdf = rdbook.font_list[rdxf.font_index]

wtf.height = rdf.height

wtf.italic = rdf.italic

wtf.struck_out = rdf.struck_out

wtf.outline = rdf.outline

wtf.shadow = rdf.outline

wtf.colour_index = rdf.colour_index

wtf.bold = rdf.bold # This attribute is redundant, should be driven by weight

wtf._weight = rdf.weight # Why "private"?

wtf.escapement = rdf.escapement

wtf.underline = rdf.underline_type

# wtf.???? = rdf.underline #### redundant attribute, set on the fly when writing

wtf.family = rdf.family

wtf.charset = rdf.character_set

wtf.name = rdf.name


# protection


wtp = wtxf.protection

rdp = rdxf.protection

wtp.cell_locked = rdp.cell_locked

wtp.formula_hidden = rdp.formula_hidden


# border(s) (rename ????)


wtb = wtxf.borders

rdb = rdxf.border

wtb.left = rdb.left_line_style

wtb.right = rdb.right_line_style

wtb.top = rdb.top_line_style

wtb.bottom = rdb.bottom_line_style

wtb.diag = rdb.diag_line_style

wtb.left_colour = rdb.left_colour_index

wtb.right_colour = rdb.right_colour_index

wtb.top_colour = rdb.top_colour_index

wtb.bottom_colour = rdb.bottom_colour_index

wtb.diag_colour = rdb.diag_colour_index

wtb.need_diag1 = rdb.diag_down

wtb.need_diag2 = rdb.diag_up


# background / pattern (rename???)


wtpat = wtxf.pattern

rdbg = rdxf.background

wtpat.pattern = rdbg.fill_pattern

wtpat.pattern_fore_colour = rdbg.pattern_colour_index

wtpat.pattern_back_colour = rdbg.background_colour_index


# alignment


wta = wtxf.alignment

rda = rdxf.alignment

wta.horz = rda.hor_align

wta.vert = rda.vert_align

wta.dire = rda.text_direction

# wta.orie # orientation doesn't occur in BIFF8! Superceded by rotation ("rota").

wta.rota = rda.rotation

wta.wrap = rda.text_wrapped

wta.shri = rda.shrink_to_fit

wta.inde = rda.indent_level

# wta.merg = ????



return style_list

# 创建 xls

def copy_xls(file_path:str, savePath: str, ids):

# 创建一个新的 Excel 文件(写入模式)

workbook_rb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path, formatting_info=True) # 打开工作簿

# 这里是关键,获取所有样式列表

style_list = get_style_list(workbook_rb)

# 获取第一个sheet

sheet = sheet = workbook_rb.sheet_by_index(0)

new_workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

new_worksheet = new_workbook.add_sheet('sheet1') # 添加一个新工作表,替换为你的工作表名称

# xlrd 的 index 从0开始

i = 0

for row in sheet.get_rows():

# todo 这里条件按需添加,可以去掉

if i == 0 or row[0].value in ids:

for col_num, cell in enumerate(row, start=0):

# 复制格式

style = style_list[cell.xf_index]

# 获取当前单元格的style

new_worksheet.write(i, col_num, cell.value, style)

i += 1


return savePath




