
Login to Ibex using your KAUST credentials.

ssh $USERNAME@ilogin.ibex.kaust.edu.sa # use glogin.kaust.edu.sa if you need GPU nodes

Clone this git repository in your Ibex home directory.

cd ~/

git clone https://github.com/kaust-rccl/ibex-miniconda-install.git

Change into the newly cloned repository directory and source the install script. Sourcing the install script runs each of the commands in the script as if you had entered them manually at the prompt and insures that changes made to your ~./bashrc take effect without your having to logout of Ibex.

cd ibex-miniconda-install/

source install-miniconda.sh

The script will present several prompts that allow you to customize the Miniconda install. We generally recommend that you accept the default settings. However, when prompted with the following…

Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3

by running conda init?

…we recommend that you type yes to avoid having to manually initialize Conda for Bash later.

If you accidentally type no, don’t worry. When the script finishes you simply need to type the following commands.

conda init bash

source ~/.bashrc

By default, the Conda base environment is deactivated when you login to Ibex. If you would prefer that the Conda base environment be activated on login then you can run the following command to set the auto_activate_base configuration parameter to true.

conda config --set auto_activate_base true

If you are still a little unsure about the whole process, we have created a tutorial on our YouTube channel that will walk you through the above steps in detail.

Updating Conda Conda is a rapidly developing tool and it is important that you keep your versions on Ibex updated to the most recent version available. We have included an update-conda.sh script that will update Conda for you. Change into the ibex-miniconda-install directory and source the update script.

cd ~/ibex-miniconda-install

source update-conda.sh

Uninstalling Miniconda

Login to Ibex using your KAUST credentials.

ssh $USERNAME@ilogin.ibex.kaust.edu.sa # use glogin.kaust.edu.sa if you need GPU nodes

Change into the ibex-miniconda-install directory and source the uninstall script. Sourcing the install script insures that you don’t need to logout of Ibex in order for the changes made by the uninstaller script to take effect.

cd ~/ibex-miniconda-install/

source uninstall-miniconda.sh

Running uninstall-miniconda.sh will delete all Conda environments stored in the ~/miniconda3/envs directory.



mkdir pytorch_project_path


conda activate


nano enviroment.yml


name: pytorch-env


- pytorch

- conda-forge

- defaults


- cudatoolkit=11.3

- pip

- python

- pytorch

- torchaudio

- torchvision



conda env create --prefix ./env --file environment.yml --force


conda activate ./env

参考: 1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-W7aVXH3_w 2.https://github.com/kaust-rccl/ibex-miniconda-install 3.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTaKR0qunZ0

