





2.1 Error 10017


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join table2 b

on a.xxx = b.xxx and b.xxx like concat('%',a.xxx,'%');

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 10:3 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN ''%'' (state=42000,code=10017) 


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join table2 b

on a.xxx > b.xxx;

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 10:3 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN 'xxx' (state=42000,code=10017)

2.2 Error 10019


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join table2 b

on a.xxx = b.xxx or b.xxx is not null;

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10019]: Line 10:3 OR not supported in JOIN currently 'path_code' (state=42000,code=10019)


        要解决Hive中非等值连接的问题,可以通过使用子查询、连接后过滤或使用其他查询引擎(如Apache Spark、Presto等)等方法。

3.1 子查询


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join (select * from table2 where xxx like concat('%',a.xxx,'%')) b

on a.xxx = b.xxx;


select b.xxx from table1 a

left join (select * from table2 where xxx is not null) b

on a.xxx = b.xxx;

3.2 连接后过滤--where


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join table2 b

on a.xxx = b.xxx

where xxx like concat('%',a.xxx,'%');


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join table2 b

on 1=1

where a.xxx > b.xxx;


select b.xxx

from table1 a

left join table2 b

on a.xxx = b.xxx

where xxx is not null;


inner join/full join------写哪里无所谓

left  join------单独右表的条件写在on后面,单独左表的条件写在where后面

right join------单独左表的条件写在on后面,单独右表的条件写在where后面

3.3 Spark SQL

        Hive是将Hive SQL转换成MapReduce然后提交到集群上执行,大大简化了编写MapReduc的程序的复杂性,但是MapReduce这种计算模型执行效率比较慢。Spark可以将Spark SQL转换成RDD,然后提交到集群执行,执行效率非常快,并且支持非等值连接。


