
一、颜色二、定义 Theme三、Color 的 Alpha 值四、文本、自定义组件


git clone https://github.com/googlecodelabs/android-compose-codelabs.git

cd android-compose-codelabs/ThemingCodelab


Material Design 定义了一些从语义上命名的颜色:

primary 是主要品牌颜色,secondary 用于提供强调色。您可以为形成对比的区域提供颜色更深/更浅的变体。background 和 surface 这两种颜色用于那些容纳在概念上驻留在应用“Surface”的组件的容器。此外,Material 还定义了“on”颜色,即针对具名颜色上层的内容使用的颜色;例如,“surface”色容器中的文本应采用“on surface”颜色。


二、定义 Theme

新建 Colors.kt 代码如下:

package com.codelab.theming.ui.start

import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color

val Red700 = Color(0xffdd0d3c)

val Red800 = Color(0xffd00036)

val Red900 = Color(0xffc20029)

val Red200 = Color(0xfff297a2)

val Red300 = Color(0xffea6d7e)

新建 Shape.kt 代码如下:

package com.codelab.theming.ui.start

import androidx.compose.foundation.shape.CutCornerShape

import androidx.compose.foundation.shape.RoundedCornerShape

import androidx.compose.material.Shapes

import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp

val JetnewsShapes = Shapes(

small = CutCornerShape(topStart = 8.dp),

medium = CutCornerShape(topStart = 24.dp),

large = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)


新建 Typography.kt 代码如下:

package com.codelab.theming.ui.start

import androidx.compose.material.Typography

import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle

import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.Font

import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontFamily

import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontWeight

import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp

import com.codelab.theming.R

private val Montserrat = FontFamily(


Font(R.font.montserrat_medium, FontWeight.W500),

Font(R.font.montserrat_semibold, FontWeight.W600)


private val Domine = FontFamily(


Font(R.font.domine_bold, FontWeight.Bold)


val JetnewsTypography = Typography(

h4 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W600,

fontSize = 30.sp


h5 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W600,

fontSize = 24.sp


h6 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W600,

fontSize = 20.sp


subtitle1 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W600,

fontSize = 16.sp


subtitle2 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W500,

fontSize = 14.sp


body1 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Domine,

fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,

fontSize = 16.sp


body2 = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontSize = 14.sp


button = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W500,

fontSize = 14.sp


caption = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,

fontSize = 12.sp


overline = TextStyle(

fontFamily = Montserrat,

fontWeight = FontWeight.W500,

fontSize = 12.sp



新建 Theme.kt 代码如下:

package com.codelab.theming.ui.start

import androidx.compose.foundation.isSystemInDarkTheme

import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme

import androidx.compose.material.darkColors

import androidx.compose.material.lightColors

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable

import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color


fun JetnewsTheme(darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable () -> Unit) {

MaterialTheme(content = content, colors = if (darkTheme) DarkColors else LightColors, typography = JetnewsTypography, shapes = JetnewsShapes)


private val LightColors = lightColors(

primary = Red700,

primaryVariant = Red900,

onPrimary = Color.White,

secondary = Red700,

secondaryVariant = Red900,

onSecondary = Color.White,

error = Red800


private val DarkColors = darkColors(

primary = Red300,

primaryVariant = Red700,

onPrimary = Color.Black,

secondary = Red300,

onSecondary = Color.Black,

error = Red200


最终,在 Home.kt 中引用 Theme,代码如下:

@Preview("Featured Post")


private fun FeaturedPostPreview() {

val post = remember { PostRepo.getFeaturedPost() }

JetnewsTheme {

FeaturedPost(post = post)



@Preview("Featured Post • Dark")


private fun FeaturedPostDarkPreview() {

val post = remember { PostRepo.getFeaturedPost() }

JetnewsTheme(darkTheme = true) {

FeaturedPost(post = post)




三、Color 的 Alpha 值

通常情况下,我们希望通过强调或弱化内容来突出重点并体现出视觉上的层次感。Material Design 建议采用不同的不透明度来传达这些不同的重要程度。

Jetpack Compose 通过 LocalContentAlpha 实现此功能。您可以通过为此 CompositionLocal 提供一个值来为层次结构指定内容 Alpha 值。子可组合项可以使用此值,例如 Text 和 Icon 默认使用 LocalContentColor 的组合,已调整为使用 LocalContentAlpha。Material 指定了一些标准 Alpha 值(high、medium、disabled),这些值由 ContentAlpha 对象建模。请注意,MaterialTheme 默认将 LocalContentAlpha 设置为 ContentAlpha.high。

// By default, both Icon & Text use the combination of LocalContentColor &

// LocalContentAlpha. De-emphasize content by setting a different content alpha

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {



CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.disabled) {




我们将使用内容 Alpha 值来阐明精选博文的信息层次结构。在 Home.kt 的 PostMetadata 可组合项中,重点突出元数据 medium:

+ CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {


text = text,

modifier = modifier


+ }



如果您需要自定义 TextStyle,可以对其执行 copy 操作并替换相关属性(它只是一个 data class),或者让 Text 可组合项接受大量样式参数,这些参数会叠加到任何 TextStyle 的上层:


text = "Hello World",

style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1.copy(

background = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary



Compose 没有提供用于提取组件样式(例如,Android View 样式或 CSS 样式)的明确方法。由于所有 Compose 组件都是用 Kotlin 编写的,因此还可通过其他方法来实现相同的目的。您可以改为创建自己的自定义组件库,并在整个应用中使用这些组件。

下例中,Header 可组合项本质上是样式化的 Text,可供我们在整个应用中使用,代码如下:


fun Header(

text: String,

modifier: Modifier = Modifier

) {


color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.1f),

contentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,

modifier = modifier.semantics { heading() }

) {


text = text,

style = MaterialTheme.typography.subtitle2,

modifier = Modifier


.padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp)




可通过下文定制自定义的 Button,代码如下:


fun AcmeButton(

// expose Button params consumers should be able to change

) {

val acmeButtonShape: Shape = ...


shape = acmeButtonShape,

// other params




fun LoginButton(

onClick: () -> Unit,

modifier: Modifier = Modifier,

content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit

) {


colors = ButtonConstants.defaultButtonColors(

backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary


onClick = onClick,

modifier = modifier

) {

ProvideTextStyle(...) { // set our own text style





