/** * @brief Check the timer expried and call callback. * * @return int The next timer expires. */ int MultiTimerYield(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif



#include “MultiTimer.h” #include

/* Timer handle list head. */ static MultiTimer* timerList = NULL;

/* Timer tick */ static PlatformTicksFunction_t platformTicksFunction = NULL;

int MultiTimerInstall(PlatformTicksFunction_t ticksFunc) { platformTicksFunction = ticksFunc; return 0; }

int MultiTimerStart(MultiTimer* timer, uint64_t timing, MultiTimerCallback_t callback, void* userData) { if (!timer || !callback ) { return -1; } MultiTimer** nextTimer = &timerList; //因为需要修改timerList,所以我们 /* Remove the existing target timer. */ for (; *nextTimer; nextTimer = &(*nextTimer)->next) { if (timer == *nextTimer) { *nextTimer = timer->next; /* remove from list */ break; } }

/* Init timer. */ timer->deadline = platformTicksFunction() + timing; timer->callback = callback; timer->userData = userData;

/* Insert timer. */ for (nextTimer = &timerList;; nextTimer = &(*nextTimer)->next) { if (!*nextTimer) { timer->next = NULL; *nextTimer = timer; break; } if (timer->deadline < (*nextTimer)->deadline) { timer->next = *nextTimer; *nextTimer = timer; break; } } return 0; }

int MultiTimerStop(MultiTimer* timer) { MultiTimer** nextTimer = &timerList; /* Find and remove timer. */ for (; *nextTimer; nextTimer = &(*nextTimer)->next) { MultiTimer* entry = *nextTimer; if (entry == timer) { *nextTimer = timer->next; break; } } return 0; }

int MultiTimerYield(void) { MultiTimer* entry = timerList; for (; entry; entry = entry->next) { /* Sorted list, just process with the front part. */ if (platformTicksFunction() < entry->deadline) { return (int)(entry->deadline - platformTicksFunction()); } /* remove expired timer from list */ timerList = entry->next;

/* call callback */ if (entry->callback) { entry->callback(entry, entry->userData); } } return 0; }








##2. SmartTimer的一般用法##

###2.1 Runlater。###





###2.2 Runloop###



###2.3 Delay### 并不是说非阻塞就一定比阻塞好,因为在某些场景下,必须得用到阻塞,使单片机停下来等待某个事件。那么SmartTimer也可以提供这个功能。

##3. SmartTimer的高级用法## 所谓的高级用法,并不是说SmartTimer有隐藏模式,能开启黑科技。而是说,如果你能转变思路,举一反三地话,可以利用SmartTimer提供的简单功能实现更加优化、合理的系统结构。




##4.关于Demo## 与源码一起提供的,还有一个Demo程序。这个Demo比较简单,主要是为了测试SmartTimer的功能。Demo程序基本可以体现Runlater,Runloop,Delay功能。同时也能基本体现基于时间的编程思想(单片机裸跑程序框架)。

##5.SmartTimer的使用## SmartTimer.h中声明的公开函数并不多,总共有8个:

void stim_init ( void );

void stim_tick (void);

void stim_mainloop ( void );

int8_t stim_loop ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void), uint16_t times);

int8_t stim_runlater ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void));

void stim_delay ( uint16_t delayms);

void stim_kill_event(int8_t id);

void stim_remove_event(int8_t id);

下面我将逐一介绍 ###5.1 必要的前提### SmartTimer能够工作的必要条件是:

A. 设置Systick的定时中断(也可以是其他的硬件定时器TIMx,我选择的是比较简单的Systick),我默认设置为1ms中断一次,使用者可以根据自己的情况来更改。Systick时钟的设置在stim_init函数中,该函数必须在主程序初始化阶段调用一次。B. 在定时器中断函数中调用stim_tick();可以说,这个函数是SmartTimer的引擎,如A步骤所述,默认情况下,每1ms,定时器中断会调用一次stim_tick();C. 在主While循环中执行stim_mainloop(),这个函数主要有两个作用,一是执行定时结束后的回调函数;二是回收使用完毕的timer事件的资源。

###5.2 开始使用SmartTimer### 做好以上的搭建工作后,就可以开始使用SmartTimer了。

int8_t stim_runlater ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void));

该函数接受两个参数,返回定时事件的id。参数delayms传入延迟多长时间,注意这里的单位是根据之前A步骤里,你设置的时间滴答来确定的(默认单位是1ms);第二个参数是回调函数的函数指针,目前只支持没有参数,且无返回值的回调函数,未来会考虑加入带参数和返回值的回调。 举例:

timer_runlater(100,ledflash); //100豪秒(100*1ms=100ms)后,执行void ledflash(void)函数


timer_runlater(100,ledflash); //1秒(100*10ms=1000ms=1S)后,执行void ledflash(void)函数

int8_t stim_loop ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void), uint16_t times);

这个函数的参数意义同runlater差不多,我就不详细说明了。 该函数接收3个参数,delayms为延迟时间,callback为回调函数指针,times是循环次数。 举例(以1ms滴答为例):

timer_runloop(50,ledflash,5); // 每50ms,执行一次ledflash(),总共执行5次 timer_runloop(80,ledflash, TIMER_LOOP_FOREVER); // 每80ms,执行一次ledflash(),无限循环。

void timer_delay ( uint16_t delayms); //延迟xx ms


void stim_kill_event(int8_t id);

void stim_remove_event(int8_t id);


void stim_kill_event(int8_t id); //直接取消事件,忽略未处理完成的调度任务。 void stim_remove_event(int8_t id);//将已经完成计时的调度任务处理完毕之后,再取消事件

###5.3 注意事项### SmartTimer可接受的Timer event数量是有上限的,这个上限由smarttimer.h中的宏定义





/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: smarttimer.h * * Description: * * Version: 1.1 * Created: 2016/7/14 ÐÇÆÚËÄ ÉÏÎç 10:48:35 * Revision: none * Compiler: armcc * * Author: lell * Organization: * * ===================================================================================== */ #ifndef __SMARTTIMER_H__ #define __SMARTTIMER_H__ #include “stm32f10x.h”

//#define STIM_DEBUG

#ifndef NULL #define NULL ((void *)0) #endif


#define STIM_EVENT_MAX_SIZE 20 /*max size of timer event number */ #define STIM_LOOP_FOREVER (uint16_t)0xffff

#define STIM_INVALID 0xff

#define STIM_EVENT_IDLE 0x00 #define STIM_EVENT_ACTIVE 0x01 #define STIM_EVENT_RECYCLE 0x02

void stim_init ( void ); void stim_tick (void); void stim_mainloop ( void ); int8_t stim_loop ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void), uint16_t times); int8_t stim_runlater ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void)); void stim_delay ( uint16_t delayms); void stim_kill_event(int8_t id); void stim_remove_event(int8_t id);

#ifdef STIM_DEBUG uint8_t stim_get_eventnum(void); void stim_print_status(void); #endif



/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: smarttimer.c * * Description: software timer dispath * * Version: 1.1 * Created: 2015/7/14 ÐÇÆÚËÄ ÉÏÎç 10:37:39 * Revision: none * Compiler: armcc * * Author: lell(elecsunxin@gmail.com) * Organization: * * ===================================================================================== */ //#include #include “smarttimer.h”

#ifdef STIM_DEBUG #include #endif

struct stim_event{ uint32_t tick_punch; uint32_t interval; uint32_t looptimes; uint8_t id; uint8_t stat; struct stim_event *next; struct stim_event *prev; };

struct stim_event_list{ struct stim_event *head; struct stim_event *tail; uint8_t count; };

struct stim_event_list_manager{ struct stim_event_list list[2]; uint8_t cur_index; };

static struct stim_event event_pool[STIM_EVENT_MAX_SIZE]; static struct stim_event_list_manager list_manager; static struct stim_event_list recycle_list;

static void (*callback_list[STIM_EVENT_MAX_SIZE])(void); static uint8_t mark_list[STIM_EVENT_MAX_SIZE]; static uint32_t current_tick;

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: init_linked * Description: init a stim_event_list linked * ===================================================================================== */ static void init_linked ( struct stim_event_list *list ) { list->head = list->tail = NULL; list->count = 0; } /* ----- end of static function init_linked ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: remove_node * Description: remove a node from a stim_event_list linked * ===================================================================================== */ static void remove_node ( struct stim_event *event, struct stim_event_list *list ) {

if(list->head == event){ list->head = event->next; if(list->head == NULL){ list->tail = NULL; }else{ event->next->prev = NULL; } }else{ event->prev->next = event->next; if(event->next == NULL){ list->tail = event->prev; }else{ event->next->prev = event->prev; } }

list->count–; } /* ----- end of static function remove_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: insert_node_prev * Description: insert a nodes in stim_event_list linked * ===================================================================================== */ static void insert_node_prev ( struct stim_event *new_node,struct stim_event *node,struct stim_event_list *list ) { new_node->next = node; if(node->prev == NULL){ list->head = new_node; new_node->prev = NULL; }else{ new_node->prev = node->prev; node->prev->next = new_node; } node->prev = new_node;

list->count++; } /* ----- end of static function insert_node_prev ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: insert_to_tail * Description: insert a nodes in stim_event_list linked * ===================================================================================== */ static void insert_to_tail ( struct stim_event *new_node ,struct stim_event_list *list) { struct stim_event *node = list->tail;

if(list->count == 0){ list->head = new_node; list->tail = new_node; new_node->next = NULL; new_node->prev = NULL; }else{ node->next = new_node; new_node->prev = node; new_node->next = NULL; list->tail = new_node; }

list->count++; } /* ----- end of static function insert_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: malloc_event * Description: get a new event struct from event_pool * return: a pointer of event struct. * * ===================================================================================== */ static struct stim_event* malloc_event (void) { uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < STIM_EVENT_MAX_SIZE; i++){ if(event_pool[i].stat == STIM_EVENT_IDLE){ event_pool[i].stat = STIM_EVENT_ACTIVE; return &event_pool[i]; } } return NULL; } /* ----- end of static function stim_malloc_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: free_event * Description: release event to event_pool * ===================================================================================== */ static void free_event (struct stim_event *event) { callback_list[event->id] = NULL; mark_list[event->id] = STIM_INVALID;

event->stat = STIM_EVENT_IDLE; event->interval = 0; event->looptimes = 0; event->tick_punch = 0; event->prev = NULL; event->next = NULL;

} /* ----- end of static function stim_free_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: insert_event * Description: insert a timer event to a special list * ===================================================================================== */ static void insert_event ( struct stim_event *event,struct stim_event_list *list ) { uint8_t i; struct stim_event *node;

if(list->count == 0){ //insert event to a empty linked insert_to_tail(event,list); }else{ node = list->head; for(i = 0; i < list->count; i++){ if(event->tick_punch > node->tick_punch){ node = node->next; }else{ break; } }

if(node == NULL){ //insert event to linked tail insert_to_tail(event,list); }else{ //insert event to a linked insert_node_prev(event,node,list); } } } /* ----- end of static function insert_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: find_event * Description: * ===================================================================================== */ static struct stim_event* find_event ( int8_t id, struct stim_event_list *list ) { uint8_t i; struct stim_event *event; event = list->head; for(i = 0; i < list->count; i++){ if(event->id == id){ break; }else{ event = event->next; } }

return event; } /* ----- end of static function find_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: recyle_event * Description: insert an event which stat is STIM_EVENT_RECYCLE into recycle linked * ===================================================================================== */ static void recyle_event ( struct stim_event *event ) { struct stim_event_list *list = &list_manager.list[list_manager.cur_index];

remove_node(event,list); insert_to_tail(event,&recycle_list); } /* ----- end of static function recyle_event ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: push_event * Description: push a stim_event to event linked list. * ===================================================================================== */ static struct stim_event* push_event ( uint32_t delayms, void (*callback)(void),uint16_t times ) { struct stim_event *event;

event = malloc_event(); event->interval = delayms; event->looptimes = times; event->next = NULL; event->tick_punch = current_tick + delayms;

mark_list[event->id] = 0; if(callback != NULL){ callback_list[event->id] = callback; }

if(event->tick_punch < current_tick){ insert_event(event,&list_manager.list[list_manager.cur_index ^ 0x01]); }else{ insert_event(event,&list_manager.list[list_manager.cur_index]); }

return event; } /* ----- end of static function stim_push_delay_event ----- */

/* * * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: stim_delay * Description: wait some milliseconds.It will blocking process until time out. * ===================================================================================== */ void stim_delay ( uint16_t delayms) {

struct stim_event *event; CLOSE_INTERRUPT(); event = push_event(delayms,NULL,1); OPEN_INTERRUPT(); while(mark_list[event->id] == 0); } /* ----- end of function stim_delay ----- */

/* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: stim_runlater * Description: run callback function after some milliseconds by asynchronous. * ===================================================================================== */ int8_t stim_runlater ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void)) { struct stim_event *event;

CLOSE_INTERRUPT(); event = push_event(delayms,callback,1); OPEN_INTERRUPT(); return event->id; } /* ----- end of function stim_runlater ----- */ /* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: stim_loop * Description: looping invok each interval by asynchronous. * ===================================================================================== */ int8_t stim_loop ( uint16_t delayms, void (*callback)(void), uint16_t times) { struct stim_event *event;

CLOSE_INTERRUPT(); event = push_event(delayms,callback,times); OPEN_INTERRUPT();






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