


git clone git@github.com:dji-sdk/FlightRecordParsingLib.git

飞行记录文件在打开【我的电脑】,进入遥控器内存, 文件路径:此电脑 > pm430 > 内部共享存储空间> DJI > com.dji.industry.pilot > FlightRecord 

二、注册成为大疆开发者获取SDK 密钥

网址如下DJI Developer


登录 DJI 开发者平台,点击"创建应用",App Type 选择 "Open API",自行填写“App 名称”“分类”和“描述”,点击 "创建"。 通过个人邮箱激活 App,在开发者网平台个人点击查看对应 App 信息,其中 App Key 即为下文所需的 SDK 密钥参数。 



cd FlightRecordParsingLib-master/dji-flightrecord-kit/build/Ubuntu/FlightRecordStandardizationCpp

sh generate.sh


cd ~/FlightRecordParsingLib-master/dji-flightrecord-kit/build/Ubuntu/FRSample

export SDK_KEY=your_sdk_key_value

./FRSample /home/cxl/FlightRecordParsingLib-master/DJrecord/DJIFlightRecord_2023-07-18_[16-14-57].txt





import json

# Read JSON fragment from txt file

with open("output.txt", "r") as file:

json_data = json.load(file)

# Extract all "aircraftLocation" and "altitude" data

location_altitude_data = []

for frame_state in json_data["info"]["frameTimeStates"]:

aircraft_location = frame_state["flightControllerState"]["aircraftLocation"]

altitude = frame_state["flightControllerState"]["altitude"]

location_altitude_data.append({"latitude": aircraft_location["latitude"], "longitude": aircraft_location["longitude"], "altitude": altitude})

# Write values to a new txt file

with open("xyz_output.txt", "w") as f:

for data in location_altitude_data:

f.write(f"latitude: {data['latitude']}, longitude: {data['longitude']}, altitude: {data['altitude']}\n")

print("Values extracted and written to 'output.txt' file.")




from pyproj import Proj

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mplot3d

def read_coordinates_from_txt(file_path):

coordinates = []

with open(file_path, 'r') as file:

for line in file:

parts = line.strip().split(',')

latitude = float(parts[0].split(':')[1].strip())

longitude = float(parts[1].split(':')[1].strip())

altitude = float(parts[2].split(':')[1].strip())

coordinates.append((latitude, longitude, altitude))

return coordinates

def calculate_avg_coordinates(coordinates):

num_points = len(coordinates)

avg_latitude = sum(coord[0] for coord in coordinates) / num_points

avg_longitude = sum(coord[1] for coord in coordinates) / num_points

return avg_latitude, avg_longitude

def project_coordinates_to_xyz(coordinates, avg_latitude, avg_longitude, origin_x, origin_y):

# Define the projection coordinate system (UTM zone 10, WGS84 ellipsoid)

p = Proj(proj='utm', zone=20, ellps='WGS84', preserve_units=False)

# Project all points in the coordinates list to xy coordinate system

projected_coordinates = [p(longitude, latitude) for latitude, longitude, _ in coordinates]

# Calculate the relative xyz values for each point with respect to the origin

relative_xyz_coordinates = []

for (x, y), (_, _, altitude) in zip(projected_coordinates, coordinates):

relative_x = x - origin_x

relative_y = y - origin_y

relative_xyz_coordinates.append((relative_x, relative_y, altitude))

return relative_xyz_coordinates

def three_plot_coordinates(coordinates):

# Separate the x, y, z coordinates for plotting

x_values, y_values, z_values = zip(*coordinates)

# Create a new figure for the 3D plot

fig = plt.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Plot points as a 3D scatter plot

ax.scatter(x_values, y_values, z_values, c='blue', label='Points')

# Connect points with lines

for i in range(1, len(x_values)):

ax.plot([x_values[i - 1], x_values[i]], [y_values[i - 1], y_values[i]], [z_values[i - 1], z_values[i]], 'k-', linewidth=0.5)

# Add labels and title

ax.set_xlabel('X (meters)')

ax.set_ylabel('Y (meters)')

ax.set_zlabel('Z (meters)')

ax.set_title('Projected Coordinates - 3D')

# Display the 3D plot in a separate window


def two_plot_coordinates(coordinates):

# Separate the x, y, z coordinates for plotting

x_values, y_values, z_values = zip(*coordinates)

# Create a new figure for the 2D plot

fig = plt.figure()

# Plot points

plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, c='blue', label='Points')

# Connect points with lines

for i in range(1, len(x_values)):

plt.plot([x_values[i - 1], x_values[i]], [y_values[i - 1], y_values[i]], 'k-', linewidth=0.5)

# Add labels and title

plt.xlabel('X (meters)')

plt.ylabel('Y (meters)')

plt.title('Projected Coordinates - 2D')


# Display the 2D plot in a separate window


if __name__ == "__main__":

input_file_path = "xyz_output.txt" # Replace with the actual input file path

coordinates = read_coordinates_from_txt(input_file_path)

# Use the first 10 points to define the projection coordinate system

num_points_for_avg = 20

avg_coordinates = coordinates[:num_points_for_avg]

avg_latitude, avg_longitude = calculate_avg_coordinates(avg_coordinates)

# Project the average latitude and longitude to xy coordinate system

p = Proj(proj='utm', zone=20, ellps='WGS84', preserve_units=False)

origin_x, origin_y = p(avg_longitude, avg_latitude)

print(f"Average Latitude: {avg_latitude}, Average Longitude: {avg_longitude}")

print(f"Projected Coordinates (x, y): {origin_x}, {origin_y}")

# Project all points in the coordinates list to xy coordinate system

first_coordinates = [(0, 0, 0)] * min(len(coordinates), num_points_for_avg)

projected_coordinates2 = project_coordinates_to_xyz(coordinates[num_points_for_avg:], avg_latitude, avg_longitude, origin_x, origin_y)

projected_coordinates = first_coordinates+projected_coordinates2

# Save projected coordinates to a new text file

output_file_path = "projected_coordinates.txt"

with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:

for x, y, z in projected_coordinates:

output_file.write(f"x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}\n")







